Saturday, June 22, 2013

Stirfry and a Zombie-Not-Zombie Movie

Red Curry Shrimp and Bok Choy Stir Fry
Bok Choy
1 TBSP Garlic (minced)
½ TBSP Ginger (grated)
2 TBSP Canola oil
¼ cup of chopped green onion
½ cup chopped fresh basil
2 TBSP red curry paste
1 TSP soy sauce
1 tsp fish sauce
½ cup shredded carrots
First, chop up the bok choy.

Then drizzle some of the canola oil in a sauté pan. Add half the garlic and ginger to the pan on medium high.
Add the bok choy at medium high heat. Saute for about 3-5 minutes. Add the carrots.


Mix the shrimp, red curry paste, garlic ginger, green onion and basil together.

Then add the shrimp mixture to the middle of the pan with the bok choy. Turn up the heat. Stir fry for 2 minutes.

Add bean sprouts, soy sauce, and fish sauce. Remove from heat.

Serve on rice, with noodles, or eat it alone. The shrimp should be succulent and cooked to perfection! Enjoy!!



World War Z[zzzz]


My Score: 6.5/10
IMDB Score: 7.4/10
Rating: PG-13
Favorite Lines: "Movement is Life"
Director: Marc Foster
Stars: Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, Daiella Kertesz... but mostly Brad Pitt's hair
I’ve been somewhat anxiously awaiting the release of World War Z since I first watched the trailer in February. Yesterday I made the decision to watch what could be a fairly decent zombie movie (the last decent zombie movie I watched was possibly…I don’t know) or terribly horrible (the absolute worst zombie movie in all of the lands is “Warm Bodies”…couldn’t be worse than that, right?).  
 However, what I didn’t expect the movie to be was meh… Yes, meh as in mediocre. When the lights switched in the theater and the credits rolled I was disappointed at how many unanswered questions still remained and how many loose plot lines remained untied. As I walked out of the theater I realized I wasn’t the only one; many people remained in their seats staring at the screen as if some Marvel-style sequel lead-in scene was going to play after the credits. I looked back at the screen too for a second expecting something… Unsure how I felt about the movie at the moment I asked my friend if she liked the movie. She replied with a drawn out “Yeaaaa…” as if to reassure herself that this supposed summer blockbuster met some, if any, of her expectations. We continued our walk out of the theater in silence.
Did we feel this way because of some overly dramatic and depressing ending like that of “The Sopranos” or “I am Legend”? No, it was just the opposite. Maybe, when the DVD special features are released some better cut/alternate ending will be revealed. I don’t know. All I know is I kind of want my money back.
Yes, there were good parts, suspenseful, freaky parts—in the beginning and middle-ish. But not enough. Some of the good parts, of course, included the zombie-not-zombie people (still not sure what they are) jumping out of nowhere and turning people. But I think at some point in the movie, I was more frightened by some fool opening the backdoor exit to the theater/parkinglot. I (and most of the people behind me) spent the next 10-15 minutes turning around checking for a possible shooter and scoping out our escape route if something did happen to go down.
 Anyways, I won’t give too much away but here are the thoughts and questions that went through my mind throughout the movie. I highlighted spoilers in red.
1.       Wow, Brad Pitt looks horrible.
2.       Wow, he and his actress wife have the worst chemistry ever.
3.       Woah, these zombie things are crazy or is the camera just shaky I can’t tell; I’m dizzy.
4.       Brad Pitt, his wife, and kids sure had NO problem thinking clearly and getting to safety  (compared to everyone else). I mean yeah sure he has connections with the UN and everything but it took less than 24 hours for them to 1) find a working car, 2) barely get attacked, 3) get groceries and medicine with ease, 4) find an apartment building and hospitable family to take them in (on the first try), and 5) get a helicopter to come rescue them right on time….BUT whatever.
5.       Apparently, magazines and duct tape are the ultimate tools of survival during a zombie apocalypse…because the one arm you cover with these materials will be the only body part zombies try to bite.
6.       Who are the people on this ship?
7.       How was the POTUS taken out by zombies so quickly…really???
8.       How does the genius/last hope of human kind accidentally shoot himself in the head?
9.       This has got to be the dumbest wife in the world.
10.   Why would a wall stop ninja zombies?
11.   Are these even zombies…we’re throwing this term around too loosely.
12.   Who let the bitten man on the plane??????
13.   Aren’t planes pressurized? So wouldn’t a bomb on a plane cause an explosion, rather than a really big hole in the plane?
14.   How is it that only Brad Pitt, a woman with no hand, and a zombie were saved by seatbelts during a plane crash that tore the plane to shreds?
15.   Who tucked the hair behind Brad Pitt’s ear so his basically unscathed face could be easily seen?
Which one of y'all did it?

Oh, Brad... I knew it was you. 
16.   How did severely injured Brad Pitt and the one handed woman walk from a deserted forest to the WHO with no map, GPS, nothing…
17.   Why did the editing staff of this movie use the same clips of zombies over and over for the WHO lab television scenes? Did they think no one would notice?
18.   Everyone in this movie, except for Brad Pitt (and the one handed girl to a certain extent—she does only have one hand), is unlucky and completely useless.
19.   What virus did Brad Pitt choose to take? I really wanna know. Polio? I bet it was polio.
20.   How did Brad Pitt get rescued and returned to his family?
21.  What happened to the little orphaned boy that was originally staying with his family? He can't get a rescue hug?
22.   What did I just pay for?
Go see the movie. Don’t go see the movie… Its up to you. But if I were you and I had the choice I’d settle for Zombieland or a Walking Dead marathon and call it a cheap day. DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE IN 3D. I can’t imagine that the extra $2.50 is worth it.  Go see Start Trek Into Darkness (again).