Saturday, June 22, 2013

Stirfry and a Zombie-Not-Zombie Movie

Red Curry Shrimp and Bok Choy Stir Fry
Bok Choy
1 TBSP Garlic (minced)
½ TBSP Ginger (grated)
2 TBSP Canola oil
¼ cup of chopped green onion
½ cup chopped fresh basil
2 TBSP red curry paste
1 TSP soy sauce
1 tsp fish sauce
½ cup shredded carrots
First, chop up the bok choy.

Then drizzle some of the canola oil in a sauté pan. Add half the garlic and ginger to the pan on medium high.
Add the bok choy at medium high heat. Saute for about 3-5 minutes. Add the carrots.


Mix the shrimp, red curry paste, garlic ginger, green onion and basil together.

Then add the shrimp mixture to the middle of the pan with the bok choy. Turn up the heat. Stir fry for 2 minutes.

Add bean sprouts, soy sauce, and fish sauce. Remove from heat.

Serve on rice, with noodles, or eat it alone. The shrimp should be succulent and cooked to perfection! Enjoy!!



World War Z[zzzz]


My Score: 6.5/10
IMDB Score: 7.4/10
Rating: PG-13
Favorite Lines: "Movement is Life"
Director: Marc Foster
Stars: Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, Daiella Kertesz... but mostly Brad Pitt's hair
I’ve been somewhat anxiously awaiting the release of World War Z since I first watched the trailer in February. Yesterday I made the decision to watch what could be a fairly decent zombie movie (the last decent zombie movie I watched was possibly…I don’t know) or terribly horrible (the absolute worst zombie movie in all of the lands is “Warm Bodies”…couldn’t be worse than that, right?).  
 However, what I didn’t expect the movie to be was meh… Yes, meh as in mediocre. When the lights switched in the theater and the credits rolled I was disappointed at how many unanswered questions still remained and how many loose plot lines remained untied. As I walked out of the theater I realized I wasn’t the only one; many people remained in their seats staring at the screen as if some Marvel-style sequel lead-in scene was going to play after the credits. I looked back at the screen too for a second expecting something… Unsure how I felt about the movie at the moment I asked my friend if she liked the movie. She replied with a drawn out “Yeaaaa…” as if to reassure herself that this supposed summer blockbuster met some, if any, of her expectations. We continued our walk out of the theater in silence.
Did we feel this way because of some overly dramatic and depressing ending like that of “The Sopranos” or “I am Legend”? No, it was just the opposite. Maybe, when the DVD special features are released some better cut/alternate ending will be revealed. I don’t know. All I know is I kind of want my money back.
Yes, there were good parts, suspenseful, freaky parts—in the beginning and middle-ish. But not enough. Some of the good parts, of course, included the zombie-not-zombie people (still not sure what they are) jumping out of nowhere and turning people. But I think at some point in the movie, I was more frightened by some fool opening the backdoor exit to the theater/parkinglot. I (and most of the people behind me) spent the next 10-15 minutes turning around checking for a possible shooter and scoping out our escape route if something did happen to go down.
 Anyways, I won’t give too much away but here are the thoughts and questions that went through my mind throughout the movie. I highlighted spoilers in red.
1.       Wow, Brad Pitt looks horrible.
2.       Wow, he and his actress wife have the worst chemistry ever.
3.       Woah, these zombie things are crazy or is the camera just shaky I can’t tell; I’m dizzy.
4.       Brad Pitt, his wife, and kids sure had NO problem thinking clearly and getting to safety  (compared to everyone else). I mean yeah sure he has connections with the UN and everything but it took less than 24 hours for them to 1) find a working car, 2) barely get attacked, 3) get groceries and medicine with ease, 4) find an apartment building and hospitable family to take them in (on the first try), and 5) get a helicopter to come rescue them right on time….BUT whatever.
5.       Apparently, magazines and duct tape are the ultimate tools of survival during a zombie apocalypse…because the one arm you cover with these materials will be the only body part zombies try to bite.
6.       Who are the people on this ship?
7.       How was the POTUS taken out by zombies so quickly…really???
8.       How does the genius/last hope of human kind accidentally shoot himself in the head?
9.       This has got to be the dumbest wife in the world.
10.   Why would a wall stop ninja zombies?
11.   Are these even zombies…we’re throwing this term around too loosely.
12.   Who let the bitten man on the plane??????
13.   Aren’t planes pressurized? So wouldn’t a bomb on a plane cause an explosion, rather than a really big hole in the plane?
14.   How is it that only Brad Pitt, a woman with no hand, and a zombie were saved by seatbelts during a plane crash that tore the plane to shreds?
15.   Who tucked the hair behind Brad Pitt’s ear so his basically unscathed face could be easily seen?
Which one of y'all did it?

Oh, Brad... I knew it was you. 
16.   How did severely injured Brad Pitt and the one handed woman walk from a deserted forest to the WHO with no map, GPS, nothing…
17.   Why did the editing staff of this movie use the same clips of zombies over and over for the WHO lab television scenes? Did they think no one would notice?
18.   Everyone in this movie, except for Brad Pitt (and the one handed girl to a certain extent—she does only have one hand), is unlucky and completely useless.
19.   What virus did Brad Pitt choose to take? I really wanna know. Polio? I bet it was polio.
20.   How did Brad Pitt get rescued and returned to his family?
21.  What happened to the little orphaned boy that was originally staying with his family? He can't get a rescue hug?
22.   What did I just pay for?
Go see the movie. Don’t go see the movie… Its up to you. But if I were you and I had the choice I’d settle for Zombieland or a Walking Dead marathon and call it a cheap day. DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE IN 3D. I can’t imagine that the extra $2.50 is worth it.  Go see Start Trek Into Darkness (again).

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sweet and Salty Cherry Tomato Salad

Sweet and Salty Marinated Cherry Tomato Salad

This recipe is inspired by a delicious Cherry Tomato Salad I discovered on I’ve been trying to force myself to eat more salad and greens but I’m pretty boring when it comes to what ingredients I like on my salad. Tomatoes. Thinly sliced red onion. Cucumbers. That’s it. Meanwhile my mother has really good and interesting salad recipes like her strawberry poppyseed salad or her broccoli salad; still, I’m timid when it comes to making interesting and fun salads. I’m always thinking does blue cheese really go well with bacon, shrimp and raspberry vinaigrette dressing…too fancy for me! I mean I’m adventurous but I don’t like to waste money on a bunch of ingredients that I’m just going to toss together and hope for the best; one does not simply disassemble a salad, especially after it’s drenched with dressing. You think you can’t jack up a simple salad? Oh but you can; I know from experience.

Anyways here’s my successful attempt at jazzing up my veggies for the week. It turned out wonderfully! This salad looks amazing and it is sooooo very appetizing. Eat your veggies! They’re good for you. This recipe can ultimately incorporate any veggie you can think of…so there’s no excuses for why you didn’t get your recommended servings of vegetables. I posted some fun and healthy facts about some of the ingredients used in this recipe below.

The best part about this recipe is you can make a portion of this and eat it by its lonesome (which I did!), you could toss in some pasta, or toss it with any grilled veggie (asparagus, zucchini, etc.) or atop some freshly grilled fish! It’s easy, delicious and simple enough for me! Try it, and tell me how it treats you!


***Tomatoes are low in calories (18 calories/100g) and contain good levels of potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and antioxidants***

***The antioxidants present in tomatoes are found to be protective of several cancers such as colon, prostate, breast, lung and pancreatic cancers***

***Red onions are also low in calories (11 calories/28 grams) and contain good levels of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Chromium***

***Red onions have a low glycemic index, which means they don't raise your blood sugar levels too quickly. The chromium in red onions also helps to control glucose levels***

1 clove of garlic
1 pint of red grape tomatoes
1 pint of yellow grape tomatoes
3 tablespoons Cilantro or Parsley
½ red onion, thinly sliced
3 tablespoons Balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon pesto (get a small jar (I used Presto's pesto) and save the rest for some yummy pasta later in the week)
¼ cup olive oil
Salt and pepper, to taste

¼ teaspoon sugar

Toss all of the ingredients together in a Ziploc bag or bowl. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until dinner’s ready! Toss with chilled pasta, grilled asparagus, or regular lettuce for a healthy, yummy and unique salad.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Django Unchained (2012)

My Score: 9.0/10
IMDB Score: 8.7/10
Rating: R
Favorite Lines: "I like the way you die, boy" and "Cora, say goodbye to Miss Laura"..."Bye Miss Laura!"
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Stars: Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington and Samuel L. Jackson

When I first watched the trailer for Django Unchained I was disturbed and intrigued all at the same time; I wasn’t quite sure which one I felt more strongly. But I knew I was NOT going to see a movie about slavery, and definitely NOT a Quentin Tarantino film about slavery and ABSOLUTELY NOT on Christmas Day. Well y’all...I DID NOT see that movie...on Christmas Day. I waited until after New Years and after I heard from multiple sources (which included mostly Black friends and family) that they did NOT leave the theater extremely jaded about the future of this country, vehemently furious about it’s past, or exceptionally mad at all White people. So I put my big girl pants on and dragged my mom and aunt to the movie theater to see Django AND I LOVED IT! I’ve actually seen it twice now and it is most likely going to be added to my collection when it comes out on DVD.

So why was I so hesitant? Well, if you’ve ever seen any of Quentin Tarantino’s films NOT on censored television, but in theaters, on DVD, or whatever, you know that his films are usually bloody, gory, cut-throat and offensive. I mean they’re phenomenal films but be ready to see Daryl Hannah’s eyeball get plucked out and squished into a moldy blood-stained carpet (Kill Bill vol 2.) or for Samuel L. Jackson to blow the brains out of some guy sitting in the backseat (Pulp Fiction) or for some Nazi’s head to be brutally bashed in with a bat (Inglorious Bastards). I could go on and on with examples but what I’m trying to explain is with Quentin Tarantino’s style you really see the insides of some guys brains splattered everywhere, you REALLY hear the skull cracking underneath the force of that bat, and you feel that eye getting ripped out and squished. I don’t know if its just me but I can’t help but wince and cringe each and every time and I wouldn’t say I’m squimish. But you may think differently! 

Anyways, Tarantino is raw and non-withholding with violent scenes making them dramatic and overzealous but extremely real and tangible at the same time. So I was definitely bracing myself for the whipping scenes and the blood and the gore in Django! The violence in Django wasn’t any worse than his other movies. However, to be honest, while I could bare the whipping scenes with Kerry Washington I couldn’t help but cover my eyes ***SPOILER*** when Leonardo DiCaprio’s character fed his “Mandingo” slave to some dogs or during the Mandingo fighting scene(took me back to Ellison’s Invisible Man). **** Both of these scenes were terribly graphic and evoked a deep sadness, pain and rage within me (Tarantino’s aim, I’m sure). However, because my great-great-grandmother, who lived long enough for me to meet, was the daughter of a slave...I don’t know, it was a little too much for me. Anyways, most of the violence in this movie involved Django “killing white folks for money”.

What did I like about the movie?
Let’s talk about this cast: Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Kerry Washington! Phenomenal. I loved everyone! Samuel L. Jackson did an amazing job acting as an Uncle Tom and depicting the actual power role  and complex relationships between the Master and his “servants”. The minute I laid eyes on Sam Jackson I immediately thought of Uncle Ruckus from Boondocks**. 

Uncle Ruckus's name is an amalgam of Uncle Tom and Amos Ruckerthe latter being an African-American United Confederate Veterans member, who allegedly wanted to stay a slave after the Civil WarThe name also bears a similarity to Uncle Remus.

Leonardo DiCaprio was amusing, yet creepily sinister as Calvin Candie; I don’t know when I’ll be able to NOT see him as a villain for a while. I absolutely love Christoph Waltz as Dr. Schultz; he has definitely redeemed himself (he’s in my good graces again) from his Nazi villainy in Inglorious Bastards and I’m really looking forward to seeing what else he’ll do in the future. Kerry Washington, like the many other women in this film, didn’t really have a voice (meaning she had very few lines). Her acting came through her facial expressions and because she is a great actress I loved it.
Also, the soundtrack was A-MAZING! Tarantino always uses an  interesting mix  of music  and he did not hold back for this movie. Django jumps across genres, from country, Latin, to rap and R&B; it even features an original song written by Jamie Foxx and performed by Rick Ross!  

Yes, there was a bunch of cursing, some in your face male frontal nudity, excessive use of the N word, lots of violence, yes Spike Lee disapproves and it will challenge you emotionally and psychologically! But there were many things I loved about this movie; it was original, daring, purposeful, and powerful.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

TREAT. YO. SELF. Cinnamon Apple Pie Eggrolls and Fried Coconut Bananas

Fried Banana and Apple Pie Eggroll
Fried Coconut Bananas
Although I found this recipe in a Thai cookbook I tasted these delicious sweet treats sans the coconut on the city streets of Hanoi! They are yummy by themselves, drizzled with sweetened condensed milk or with a heaping scoop of ice cream. If you’re a weirdo and you’re not a banana fan this dish is great with a variety of fruit, such as apple and pineapple slices! So no excuses, its super easy, super cheap and supper yum!
1 cup self-rising (or all purpose; comes out a little different but still yummy)

½ tsp baking soda IF you’re using all-purpose flour
Pinch of salt (1/8 tsp)
3 heaping tbsp. sugar
1 egg, beaten
6 tbsp water
2 tbsp shredded sweetened coconut (or 1 tbsp sesame seeds)
4 firm bananas
Vegetable oil, enough for frying in your wok or deep         pan

 First, sift the flour and baking soda OR just place the self-rising flour in a bowl.
Stir in the sugar, egg and water until you have a thin batter (but thick enough to stick to the bananas). Then whisk in the shredded coconut so that it is evenly distributed.
Next, peel your bananas and carefully cut lengthwise and then in half cross ways to make 16 pieces. DON’T DO THIS STEP UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO DROP THESE JOKERS IN YOUR OIL otherwise they’ll get mushy and brown, ugly and gross.
Heat your oil in your wok or deep fryer (a small fry daddy is <$20 at Wal-mart if you’re really into frying). We dropped a piece of the coconut in the fryer to test if it was hot enough. You can also use a chunk of bread; it should brown in about 30-45 sec. Carefully drop the bananas in the oil. Please don’t burn yourself…hot oil hurts A LOT. And it will stick with you if it’s hot battered shredded coconut. Ja’Naie took over the frying because I’m kind of clumsy.  Flip the bananas over after about 12-15 seconds and cook for another 10 seconds on the other side if you’re using a deep pan/wok. If you’re using a fryer wait about 30-40 seconds. Test one or two to get your timing right and don’t crowd the pan or fryer. Place the cooked yummy goodness on some paper towels!
Serve this dish immediately. The hotter the better! Enjoy this dish with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, drizzled with condensed sweetened milk or honey or by itself. SO DELISH!

My best friend, Ja'Naie, helped me make these dishes for my family holiday party. Although these eggrolls aren't particularly Asian; I found this recipe on StumbleUpon and fell in love. This dish is a really cool take on a East Meets West fusion dessert. Picture if an eggroll and an apple pie made a baby; that baby would be a beautiful inter-pastry baby! The world would love and embrace that baby.

Cinnamon Apple Pie Eggrolls

2 medium apples (Granny Smith)
4 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp all purpose flour
Egg roll wrappers
3 tsp cinnamon, divided
Vegetable oil (1/2 cup if frying in deep pan, 2 cups in deep fryer, 1 tbsp for baking)
First, peel and finely chop (small pieces but not mush!) apples into a bowl. Toss with 2 tbsp flour, 3 tbsp sugar and 2 tsp cinnamon until well coated. To make the eggrolls, take one eggroll wrapper and place it on a plate. Spoon about a tbsp. and a half into the middle on a diagonal. Fold one corner over the filling tightly. Then take the side corners and wrap tightly from the side. Using your finger brush a little bit of water on the remaining top corner and roll the eggroll tightly sealing with the final corner.
Aha! This was definitely a trial and error dish!

Important tips:
  • To keep your apple mixture from turning a gross brown color, squirt some lemon juice over them.
  • If for some reason you don’t want to use fresh apples you can use canned apple pie mixture; however I’m unsure how it will taste. Also if you’re not an apple fan at all you can use other pie type fruits instead. My mom is actually allergic to apples so we made some cherry apple pie eggrolls with powdered sugar on top. If you’re using canned fruit topping/pie filling taste it to make sure its sweet enough! I added a tablespoon of sugar to the cherry pie filling because it was a little tart.
  • Roll them tightly! Otherwise all the yummy juices will leak out and make a hot mess.
  • Don’t overstuff the eggrolls or else all the juices will bust out and make a hot mess.
  • Watch your oil! Make sure it’s not too hot!

To bake: Preheat the oven to 400 and place the eggrolls seam side down on a sheet pan line with parchment. Lightly brush the eggrolls with the 1 tbsp of vegetable oil. Bake for 15 minutes or until browned and crisp.
To fry: Gently heat 2 cups of oil over low heat until about 350 degrees. Fry each eggroll seam down for 3-4 minutes until golden brown and crisp. Let them drain on paper towels.

We attempted to bake these to be healthier but the eggrolls weren’t crispy enough. So we put some oil in a deep pan and fried them for a few seconds to crisp them up.

Toss the eggrolls with the remaining sugar and cinnamon immediately after cooking and serve hot! I also drizzled the eggrolls with a little sweetened condensed milk; caramel would work too!

I served this desert dish alongside the fried coconut banana with a scoop of ice cream for our holiday party. Everyone was skeptical at first because they were used to eggrolls being a savory appetizer. However, once they smelled the sweet aroma of apple pie they were excited to taste it. Everyone loved them; they were a great success!

新年, 新的开始!New Year, New Beginnings!

Happy New Year Everyone! 

With the onslaught of exams, papers and final assignments I had to take a break from my delicious meals, movie binges and blogging once again. The good news: I finished my first semester of grad school with a bang. Bad news: I haven't been here in over a month! But its a new year and I have some new recipes for you all to try! I'm glad to be home for the holidays. While at home I was able to recreate some delicious Thai treats I've been dying to try out on my mother. Check out the blog later this week for my movie post!

Thai Chicken & Lemon Grass Curry

4 servings
3 tbsp vegetable oil
2 garlic cloves, crushed
Chicken breast tenderloins, chop into bite sized pieces
3 tbsp fish sauce
1/3 cup + 1 tbsp chicken stock
1 tsp sugar
1 lemon grass stalk, chopped and crushed
5 kaffir lime leaves, thinly sliced
1 tsp cumin
Curry paste:
1 lemon grass stalk, chopped
1 piece ginger, chopped
2 kaffir lime leaves, chopped
3 shallots, coarsely chopped (or ½ onion)
1 tbsp cilantro or ½ tsp ground cilantro
1 tsp fish sauce
1 tsp ground turmeric
Steamed Rice

First, make the curry paste. Place all of the ingredients in a food processor (or a blender) and process until you have a smooth paste.
Then heat the vegetable oil in a work or heavy sauce pan. Add the garlic and cook over a low heat, stirring until golden brown. Make sure you don’t burn the garlic or else it will taste bitter. Definitely done that before and its nasty! Add the curry paste and stir fry for about 30 seconds.
Next, add your chopped (bite size) chicken pieces to pan and stir until thoroughly coated with the paste. Stir in the fish sauce, chicken stock, sugar, cumin and cook stirring constantly for about 2 minutes.
Finally add the lemon grass and lime leaves. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. I actually used this lemon grass paste tube and minced garlic jar. Your hands don’t get smelly and you can put the jar and tube back in the fridge to use for many other recipes. It’s also really nifty because on the back of each tube and jar is a conversion chart telling you approximately how much paste in tbsp. or tsp. correlates to a stalk of lemon grass or a clove of garlic. 

These items can be found at Kroger, Harris Teeter, Wal-Mart, etc. in the produce section with the fresh herbs.
But if you prefer to use the fresh lemon grass make sure you crush it really well or else lemongrass can be kind of scratchy going down your throat.
I served this dish on a bed of steamed rice with a side of sautéed spinach. My mom describes my dish as aromatic, spicy, bold and delicious.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pray for Rosemary's Baby & this Spicy Meal: Spicy Fried Ground Turkey with Hot & Sour Noodles

FULL DISCLOSURE Y’ALL. My absence has been a result of not only my computer crashing but my FAILED attempts to make Coconut Pumpkin Soup (I hate pumpkin, and according to Dr. Karen Andes, aka pumpkin soup expert, you NEVER add celery), Bhindi Masala and Spinach & Potato Curry (shoutout to Hamidah for helping me destroy these meals; I really tried Kushal. I’ve failed the Indian cuisine.  I guess I have to get a new Indian cookbook).  **Picks of my those meals at the end of this blogpost**
Anyways lessons learned, I finally made a delicious meal to post about!

Spicy Fried Ground Turkey with Hot and Sour Noodles

Spicy Fried Ground Turkey Ingredients:
2 garlic cloves
1 small onion
½ tbsp. minced ginger
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 lb ground turkey (recipe originally calls for ground pork)
2 tbsp. fish sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
2 small tomatoes, chopped
3 tbsp. cilantro
Salt and pepper

So this is super easy; its basically the Thai version of spaghetti with meatsauce. First finely chop garlic, onion and ginger. After heating the oil in your seasoned wok over medium heat add those chopped ingredients. Stir-fry for about 2 minutes and then  stir in your meat. I will generally only be using poultry and fish in all of my meals because I don’t eat beef or much pork; but I will tell you when you can substitute a certain meat for another, like now. You can use ground pork, chicken or even beef I guess instead of turkey. Stir in the fish sauce and soy sauce; stir fry for an additional 1-2 minutes over high heat. Then add your chopped tomatoes, cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add cilantro, salt and pepper to tastes. Serve hot either on top of your hot and sour noodles! BAM. Done. Easy, painless and delicious.

Hot & Sour Noodles
Vermicelli noodles; I used some good ol’ linguini b/c it’s what I had. Just being real.
4 tbsp sesame oil (don’t be shy with this)
3 tbsp. soy sauce
Lime juice (if you wish- sour component)
1 tsp. sugar
4 scallions, finely sliced
1-2 tsp. hot chili sauce, or pepper flakes
2 tbsp. cilantro, chopped

This dish is super easy; you can eat it by itself or with the meat. You can actually eat this HOT or COLD. BAM. Versitility. Boil your noodles, simple enough, all the college students out there know how to do this. Toss your drained noodles with half the oil. Mix the remaining oil, soy sauce, lime juice, sugar, scallions and chilli sauce or flakes in a bowl. Toss the noodles and mixture together in a warm wok. Top with chopped cilantro. YUM.

Apologies for the late Halloween post. Between my computer crashing and a few cooking disasters I just couldn’t get it together. Anyways here it is:

Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
My Score: 8.0/10.0
IMDB Score: 8.0/10
Rating: R
Favorite Line: “Pain begone I will have no more of thee.”
Director: Roman Polanski
Stars: Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes and Ruth Gordon

I asked a few of my friends and family to help me choose a good Halloween movie and they helped me choose a classic. Rosemary’s Baby is about a young couple who move into a new apartment building with evil tenants.

Rosemary is a housewife and her husband Guy is a B-rate commercial actor.  So for some arbitrary reason they need to move to a new apartment building. Their friend, Hutch, from their old apartment building warns them about the building having bad joo-joo. They don’t listen. They move into the apartment building from Hell to meet their doom, her doom. Poor Rosemary.

Anyways before they even moved in they noticed that the old woman that previously lived there had pushed a huge dresser in front of a random closet. “Why would she do that?” they ask. Well, of course we find out later**. Rosemary moves in and does what housewives do in 1960’s movies. Absolutely nothing. Wait! She decorates and cooks of course.  The only kind-of-friend she has at the apartment promptly “kills herself” the day following their meeting. Meanwhile her mediocre husband stresses about the fails and successes of his mediocre acting career. Unhappy with her sad existence, life without purpose, and annoying neighbors she begs her husband to allow her to have a baby. He eventually concedes.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Little does she know after an undeniably weird dinner party her mediocre husband and the neighbors (Mr. and Mrs. Castevet) have hitched a half-cocked scheme to impregnate Rosemary with the Devil’s baby so the Castevets and the rest of the Wicans in the building can worship and raise Satan’s baby and so Guy, her husband, can be the star in some play. On the night of conception the Castevets drop off some homemade chocolate roofie pudding. Rosemary hates it and refuses to eat it. But her husband whines and guilt trips her into eating. BUT she holds on to some of her dignity by shoveling the pudding into a cloth napkin; I guess since she’s the one that’s going to be cleaning and doing the laundry later this wouldn’t warrant discussion in the future.

So she’s roofied. She’s out. Well…kind of. She didn’t eat all of the pudding so basically she’s paralyzed and slips in and out of one freaky reality to another weird dream state. In reality, she is surrounded by all of the BUTT NAKED Wican tenants of the apartment building while a demon rapes her. She awakes the next day with scratches on her back and proceeds to ask her husband why she has scratches all over her back. He explains that he was drunk and in the mood so he raped her, simple as that. End of discussion. CRAZINESS. Her only response: “we could have waited until the morning when I was conscious…”
It wasn't until 1993 that ALL 50 states recognized marital rape
as crime. However, majority of states still have some exemptions
given to husbands from rape prosecution.
Voila. She’s pregnant. The Castevets set her up with a world renowned doctor; he insists that she not take any prenatal vitamins and only drink Mrs. Castevets bizarre but nutrient packed natural shakes. She stupidly agrees. Rosemary suffers from pain throughout most of her pregnancy while friends and family tell her how horrible and sick she looks; yet, she waits until right before the pain stops to maybe consider getting a second opinion. Yada yada. Her old friend, Hutch, that tried to warn her in the beginning tries to warn her again and ends up dead this time. But he leaves her a book with clues as to who the Castevetes actually are; she starts digging and finds out her husband made a deal with the devil to blind the lead actor in a play in exchange for sacrificing her child! Almost there, Rosemary.
How she looked for majority of the movie: A mess.

She tries to resist and run away but with all of the male chauvinism, sexism, and Rosemary’s lack of common sense she ends up being trapped back at her apartment building and forced into labor. She’s kept unconscious and told her baby died. Is this the end? There’s still 15 minutes left!
The neighbors come and collect her breast milk. A baby is crying next door. A mother’s intuition. Her husband’s a pathological liar. All of these factors lead Rosemary to believe: Hey, something’s up. So she figures out there’s a passage (through that random closet**) that leads to the Castevet’s apartment.
There’s a party going on, a ceremony of sorts. And there’s her baby in a black veiled basinet. She rushes over to it and takes a look! “What have you done to my baby!” “It has its father’s eyes”, the good doctor replies. Huh? Oh yeah, Rosemary is the last one to know that it was the Devil that raped her and not her nasty husband. She pouts for a while and then is convinced to be the mother she is inherently meant to be and raise the demon spawn to rule the world in the future. WOMP.

Kind of a disappointing ending. I would have appreciated Rosemary going crazy and blowing up the entire building Rambo style or at least killing the Satan baby or her HUSBAND!! But, alas it is what it is. Still a really good horror movie of the times!


Looks nasty= Tastes worse Pumpkin soup
Bhindi Masala + Curry Looks Good= Tastes Eh.

Solution= Make junk fried rice= YUM.