Monday, November 12, 2012

Pray for Rosemary's Baby & this Spicy Meal: Spicy Fried Ground Turkey with Hot & Sour Noodles

FULL DISCLOSURE Y’ALL. My absence has been a result of not only my computer crashing but my FAILED attempts to make Coconut Pumpkin Soup (I hate pumpkin, and according to Dr. Karen Andes, aka pumpkin soup expert, you NEVER add celery), Bhindi Masala and Spinach & Potato Curry (shoutout to Hamidah for helping me destroy these meals; I really tried Kushal. I’ve failed the Indian cuisine.  I guess I have to get a new Indian cookbook).  **Picks of my those meals at the end of this blogpost**
Anyways lessons learned, I finally made a delicious meal to post about!

Spicy Fried Ground Turkey with Hot and Sour Noodles

Spicy Fried Ground Turkey Ingredients:
2 garlic cloves
1 small onion
½ tbsp. minced ginger
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 lb ground turkey (recipe originally calls for ground pork)
2 tbsp. fish sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
2 small tomatoes, chopped
3 tbsp. cilantro
Salt and pepper

So this is super easy; its basically the Thai version of spaghetti with meatsauce. First finely chop garlic, onion and ginger. After heating the oil in your seasoned wok over medium heat add those chopped ingredients. Stir-fry for about 2 minutes and then  stir in your meat. I will generally only be using poultry and fish in all of my meals because I don’t eat beef or much pork; but I will tell you when you can substitute a certain meat for another, like now. You can use ground pork, chicken or even beef I guess instead of turkey. Stir in the fish sauce and soy sauce; stir fry for an additional 1-2 minutes over high heat. Then add your chopped tomatoes, cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add cilantro, salt and pepper to tastes. Serve hot either on top of your hot and sour noodles! BAM. Done. Easy, painless and delicious.

Hot & Sour Noodles
Vermicelli noodles; I used some good ol’ linguini b/c it’s what I had. Just being real.
4 tbsp sesame oil (don’t be shy with this)
3 tbsp. soy sauce
Lime juice (if you wish- sour component)
1 tsp. sugar
4 scallions, finely sliced
1-2 tsp. hot chili sauce, or pepper flakes
2 tbsp. cilantro, chopped

This dish is super easy; you can eat it by itself or with the meat. You can actually eat this HOT or COLD. BAM. Versitility. Boil your noodles, simple enough, all the college students out there know how to do this. Toss your drained noodles with half the oil. Mix the remaining oil, soy sauce, lime juice, sugar, scallions and chilli sauce or flakes in a bowl. Toss the noodles and mixture together in a warm wok. Top with chopped cilantro. YUM.

Apologies for the late Halloween post. Between my computer crashing and a few cooking disasters I just couldn’t get it together. Anyways here it is:

Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
My Score: 8.0/10.0
IMDB Score: 8.0/10
Rating: R
Favorite Line: “Pain begone I will have no more of thee.”
Director: Roman Polanski
Stars: Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes and Ruth Gordon

I asked a few of my friends and family to help me choose a good Halloween movie and they helped me choose a classic. Rosemary’s Baby is about a young couple who move into a new apartment building with evil tenants.

Rosemary is a housewife and her husband Guy is a B-rate commercial actor.  So for some arbitrary reason they need to move to a new apartment building. Their friend, Hutch, from their old apartment building warns them about the building having bad joo-joo. They don’t listen. They move into the apartment building from Hell to meet their doom, her doom. Poor Rosemary.

Anyways before they even moved in they noticed that the old woman that previously lived there had pushed a huge dresser in front of a random closet. “Why would she do that?” they ask. Well, of course we find out later**. Rosemary moves in and does what housewives do in 1960’s movies. Absolutely nothing. Wait! She decorates and cooks of course.  The only kind-of-friend she has at the apartment promptly “kills herself” the day following their meeting. Meanwhile her mediocre husband stresses about the fails and successes of his mediocre acting career. Unhappy with her sad existence, life without purpose, and annoying neighbors she begs her husband to allow her to have a baby. He eventually concedes.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Little does she know after an undeniably weird dinner party her mediocre husband and the neighbors (Mr. and Mrs. Castevet) have hitched a half-cocked scheme to impregnate Rosemary with the Devil’s baby so the Castevets and the rest of the Wicans in the building can worship and raise Satan’s baby and so Guy, her husband, can be the star in some play. On the night of conception the Castevets drop off some homemade chocolate roofie pudding. Rosemary hates it and refuses to eat it. But her husband whines and guilt trips her into eating. BUT she holds on to some of her dignity by shoveling the pudding into a cloth napkin; I guess since she’s the one that’s going to be cleaning and doing the laundry later this wouldn’t warrant discussion in the future.

So she’s roofied. She’s out. Well…kind of. She didn’t eat all of the pudding so basically she’s paralyzed and slips in and out of one freaky reality to another weird dream state. In reality, she is surrounded by all of the BUTT NAKED Wican tenants of the apartment building while a demon rapes her. She awakes the next day with scratches on her back and proceeds to ask her husband why she has scratches all over her back. He explains that he was drunk and in the mood so he raped her, simple as that. End of discussion. CRAZINESS. Her only response: “we could have waited until the morning when I was conscious…”
It wasn't until 1993 that ALL 50 states recognized marital rape
as crime. However, majority of states still have some exemptions
given to husbands from rape prosecution.
Voila. She’s pregnant. The Castevets set her up with a world renowned doctor; he insists that she not take any prenatal vitamins and only drink Mrs. Castevets bizarre but nutrient packed natural shakes. She stupidly agrees. Rosemary suffers from pain throughout most of her pregnancy while friends and family tell her how horrible and sick she looks; yet, she waits until right before the pain stops to maybe consider getting a second opinion. Yada yada. Her old friend, Hutch, that tried to warn her in the beginning tries to warn her again and ends up dead this time. But he leaves her a book with clues as to who the Castevetes actually are; she starts digging and finds out her husband made a deal with the devil to blind the lead actor in a play in exchange for sacrificing her child! Almost there, Rosemary.
How she looked for majority of the movie: A mess.

She tries to resist and run away but with all of the male chauvinism, sexism, and Rosemary’s lack of common sense she ends up being trapped back at her apartment building and forced into labor. She’s kept unconscious and told her baby died. Is this the end? There’s still 15 minutes left!
The neighbors come and collect her breast milk. A baby is crying next door. A mother’s intuition. Her husband’s a pathological liar. All of these factors lead Rosemary to believe: Hey, something’s up. So she figures out there’s a passage (through that random closet**) that leads to the Castevet’s apartment.
There’s a party going on, a ceremony of sorts. And there’s her baby in a black veiled basinet. She rushes over to it and takes a look! “What have you done to my baby!” “It has its father’s eyes”, the good doctor replies. Huh? Oh yeah, Rosemary is the last one to know that it was the Devil that raped her and not her nasty husband. She pouts for a while and then is convinced to be the mother she is inherently meant to be and raise the demon spawn to rule the world in the future. WOMP.

Kind of a disappointing ending. I would have appreciated Rosemary going crazy and blowing up the entire building Rambo style or at least killing the Satan baby or her HUSBAND!! But, alas it is what it is. Still a really good horror movie of the times!


Looks nasty= Tastes worse Pumpkin soup
Bhindi Masala + Curry Looks Good= Tastes Eh.

Solution= Make junk fried rice= YUM.

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